Work for the Stage
Collaboration with poet Candace G. Wiley examining the systematic murder and imprisonment of Black Americans and the efforts that must be done to create a future of equity. Poem by Candace G. Wiley. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Anitra Lavanhar. FlyLoft, 2019

Collaboration with poet Candace G. Wiley examining the systematic murder and imprisonment of Black Americans and the efforts that must be done to create a future of equity. Poem by Candace G. Wiley. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Anitra Lavanhar. FlyLoft, 2019
Collaboration with poet Candace G. Wiley examining the systematic murder and imprisonment of Black Americans and the efforts that must be done to create a future of equity. Poem by Candace G. Wiley. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Anitra Lavanhar. FlyLoft, 2019

Collaboration with poet Candace G. Wiley examining the systematic murder and imprisonment of Black Americans and the efforts that must be done to create a future of equity. Poem by Candace G. Wiley. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Anitra Lavanhar. FlyLoft, 2019

Balancing career and the "second shift." Choreography Ari Christopher. Video by Madison Dawes. Tulsa PAC, 2019.

Balancing career and the "second shift." Choreography Ari Christopher. Video by Madison Dawes. Tulsa PAC, 2019.

Imagining the experience of knowing that you only have a few minutes left before a sudden death. Choreography and performance by Ari Christopher. Photo by: Nathan Harmon. Tulsa Performing Arts Center, 2018.

Imagining the experience of knowing that you only have a few minutes left before a sudden death. Choreography and performance by Ari Christopher. Photo by: Nathan Harmon. Tulsa Performing Arts Center, 2018.

Imagining the experience of knowing that you only have a few minutes left before a sudden death. Choreography and performance by Ari Christopher. Photo by: Nathan Harmon. Tulsa Performing Arts Center, 2018.

A woman's joy is replaced by grief when her youngest child dies at sea. Sisterhood helps her through to reconstruct her life and do her "real work". Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. August 2016

A woman's joy is replaced by grief when her youngest child dies at sea. Sisterhood helps her through to reconstruct her life and do her "real work". Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. August 2016

Exploring the complexities of identity and belonging in Tulsa, OK. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Studio K, Tulsa OK September 2016.

Exploring the complexities of identity and belonging in Tulsa, OK. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Studio K, Tulsa OK September 2016.
Choreography by Ari Christopher and Alicia Chesser. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. April 2016.

Choreography by Ari Christopher and Alicia Chesser. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. April 2016.
Choreography by Ari Christopher and Alicia Chesser. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. April 2016.
Choreography by Ari Christopher and Alicia Chesser. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. April 2016.

Choreography by Alicia Chesser. Photo by Maranda Blumenthal. April 2015.

Choreography by Alicia Chesser. Photo by Maranda Blumenthal. April 2015.

Choreography by Alicia Chesser. Photo by Maranda Blumenthal. April 2015.

Choreography by Alicia Chesser. Photo by Maranda Blumenthal. April 2015.

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Image from video by Geoffrey Hicks. June 2014

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Image from video by Geoffrey Hicks. June 2014

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Image from video by Geoffrey Hicks. June 2014

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Image from video by Geoffrey Hicks. June 2014

Choreography by Alicia Chesser. Live video performance by Nathan Harmon. Image from video by Geoffrey Hicks. June 2014

Choreography by Alicia Chesser. Image from video by Geoffrey Hicks. June 2014

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Live video performance by Nathan Harmon. Image from video by Geoffrey Hicks. June 2014

Choreography by Nina Madsen. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. June 2012.

Choreography by Nina Madsen. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. June 2012.

Choreography by Nina Madsen. Photo by Rachel Bruce Johnson. June 2012.

Place Making

Free Contact Improv movement workshop. Centennial Park, 2019.

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Becky Mullings. June 2011.

Represents the evolution of life from the water. Choreography and installation by Ari Christopher. AHHA CREATES gala, 2017.
Represents the evolution of life from the water. Choreography and installation by Ari Christopher. Phot by John A. Ferrante. AHHA CREATES gala, 2017.

Represents the evolution of life from the water. Choreography and installation by Ari Christopher. Phot by John A. Ferrante. AHHA CREATES gala, 2017.
We invite visual artists into the studio to explore their craft and capturing the moving figures. These are drawings from that evening by Yiren Gallagher. Photo by John A. Ferrante Photography.

Choreography by dancers under the direction of Ari Christopher. Photo by Berry Lenard. Dennis R. Neil Equality Center, June 2012.
Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Becky Mullings. June 2011.

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Becky Mullings. June 2011.

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Becky Mullings. June 2011.

Collaboration with visual artist Erin Turner. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Clay Flores. Living Arts of Tulsa. Sept, 2012.

Collaboration with visual artist Erin Turner. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Clay Flores. Living Arts of Tulsa. Sept, 2012.

Collaboration with visual artist Erin Turner. Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Clay Flores. Living Arts of Tulsa. Sept, 2012.

Choreography by Ari Christopher. Photo by Tim Cane. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Jan. 2013.

Choreography by Mary Lyn Graves, Karen Castleman, and Ari Christopher. Live music and composition by Aaron Robinson. Photo by John A. Ferrante. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Dec. 2016.

Choreography by Mary Lyn Graves, Karen Castleman, and Ari Christopher. Live music and composition by Aaron Robinson. Photo by John A. Ferrante. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Dec. 2016.

Spontaneous Composition by Nina Madsen and Ari Christopher. Living Arts of Tulsa, March 2011.

Dancers at Work

Choreography by Alicia Chesser. Premiered September 2013 at Living Arts of Tulsa. Repeat performances for the National Performing Arts Network Annual Conference at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center and HOLD self-produced concert at Studio K in Tulsa, OK.

Photo by John A. Ferrante Photography during our annual Open Rehearsal with visual artists, 2017.

Our annual works-in-progress event weaves our community into our process. With improvisation, on-the-spot choreography, and open-ended questions, we engage the audience in a generative dialogue around our work - demystifying the language of Modern Dance and helping us to better understand what we are communicating.
Dec. 2015. Photo by Nathan Harmon.

Community Gathering + Works-in-Progress Showing. Dec. 2014. Photo by Nathan Harmon.

Community Gathering + Works-in-Progress Showing. Dec. 2014. Photo by Nathan Harmon.

Community Gathering + Works-in-Progress Showing. Dec. 2014. Photo by Nathan Harmon.

Community Gathering + Works-in-Progress Showing. Dec. 2014. Photo by Nathan Harmon.

Community Gathering + Works-in-Progress Showing. Dec. 2016. Photo by Nathan Harmon.

Dec 2015. Photo Credit Nathan Harmon

Engaging Across Disciplines

Rigorous Instruction in Dance Education.
In partnership with Emerson Elementary. Spring 2014. With support from the Brady District Business Association, the Norvell Family Foundation, and the Principals Circle of Tulsa Modern Movement. Photo by Emerson teacher.

Students from Emerson Elementary School stopped by the studio to take a dance class during their field trip to the Tulsa Arts District.

Feb. 2017. Photo by John A. Ferrante.

Feb 2017. Movement Drawing by Yiren Gallagher. Photo by John A. Ferrante.

Feb. 2017. Photo by John A. Ferrante.

For Crystal Bridges of American Art. Dec 2016. Exploring the overlaps in visual art and dance and engaging families in exploration. Photo by museum patron.

For Crystal Bridges of American Art. Dec 2016. Exploring the overlaps in visual art and dance and engaging families in exploration. Photo by museum patron.

For Harwelden Institute. 2013-2014. Photo by school teacher.